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(1 edit)

Hi Colin! I'm trying to buy the Place without Bodies vol.1 and vol.2 but it paypal does an error "Failed to create PayPal payment (422)". I have no issues buying anything else with paypal on itch. I hope the issue resolves itself soon, because I can't wait to buy them! Have a nice day!!

EDIT: All is fixed! Thanks you very much!

Damn, I was wondering if something was up, considering there apparently hasn't been a single purchase during the sale. Will look into fixing it.

It is fixed! Thanks a lot! Can't wait to look at them!

I love your stuff and I'd tickle you if I could

I had a question about the licenses: If I wanted to use the photos for some Twitch stream stuff (credited of course), would I need the commercial license? I'm affiliate so I technically do make money streaming.


i'm pretty lax about this stuff. i'd let the personal license fly here
